Hire a Book Editor

Hope to write your best book?

We are here to help make it happen.

Select from the services offered below to learn about our editors. You can also browse by genre and subject. Select one or more editors and fill out the submission form for a free quote.

If you can’t decide, we will connect you with an editor that we feel would be a good fit based on your submission.

Not sure what type of editing your manuscript needs?

Read the article by Book Editing Associates editor Kelly Lynne Schaub first and then come back to this page.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Developmental Editors

Developmental Editors

An in-depth analysis of your manuscript.

best professional book editors

Copy Editors

Ensure accuracy, catch omissions, inconsistencies, and repetition.



Ensure your manuscript is free of typographical errors, misspellings, etc.

Manuscript Critique

Manuscript Critique

Honest manuscript evaluations from industry professionals.

Query Letters

Query Letters

Struggling with your query letter? We can help.



Have a great idea and need a writer to make it happen?

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Your Free Gift!

Self-publishing means keeping track of all the details. Your free checklist will help ensure that your self-publishing efforts are a success.

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