
Reference Books For Novelists

Writing a story is tough; making it credible and preparing the manuscript for editing add more challenge. Savvy novelists have a well-stocked home library, containing (for Americans) at least these reference works.

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Finished Your Novel?

Congratulations! So What Are Your Next Steps? If you’ve finished writing a novel, then you know the great feeling that comes with typing THE END, making sure the file is saved (and hopefully backed up at least a couple other places), and pushing back from your desk with a smile. You did the work and […]

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Recapturing Your Main Story From An Overgrown Plot

Recapturing Your Main Story From An Overgrown Plot

So, the plot of what began as a simple-enough story has become less a sturdy structure and more a jungle, complete with crossed and tangled vines. If this has happened to you, you may have no idea how you got here. You only remember adding a reflective scene or two to...

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How To Write Fiction – Top Resources For Novelists

How To Write Fiction – Top Resources For Novelists

If you’re a novelist and looking for a good book on the craft of writing, you likely have realized after perusing the Internet that you have about a bazillion choices. So, where do you start? Well, it may grate on some people’s beliefs but, technically, you don’t need any books on writing to be an […]

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How to Write a Thriller

Imagine an interesting person with a serious problem. Ideally this is a problem you know something about, if not, do some research. The problem ought to be something that people care about and can picture themselves facing, even if it takes place on another planet, or is set in a world where magic is mainstream. […]

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Coping with Technical Errors

A problem I often encounter in novels, whether writing or editing them, is great ideas that don’t work logistically. Readers are good at spotting bloopers, and once they’ve found one, they usually don’t trust the author for the rest of the novel. They might even stop reading or pan the book in a review. So […]

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