Amelia Beamer weighs in on finding a literary agent to help get a traditional publishing deal.
Book Marketing and Publishing
How to Write a Query Letter
Now that you’ve finished writing your manuscript, have worked with an editor, and made revisions, it’s time to think about the all-important query letter. You’ve probably seen online articles and blogs giving you the rules and suggested structure along with...
Mastering Keywords and Categories Course by Kindlepreneur Review
Is it worth your hard-earned money?
Dave Chesson from Kindlepreneur has released a course designed to help authors learn everything they need to know about Amazon book categories and keywords, and how to use them to make sales. Read my review.
How to Copyright a Book
When I wrote my first book quite a few years ago, I wanted to be sure no one could steal it, so I started investigating how to copyright a book. It turns out that since then no one has tried to steal it, so I guess my advance research and preparation worked! I learned...
The “Big 5” Trade Publishers and Their Imprints
Here’s a look at the most current breakdown of the major publishing houses, their notable imprints, and a brief history of how they came to be and where they are now.
How to Get the Most from Your 7 Kindle Keywords
What to Know About Amazon Keywords for Books
How can you get chose the best Kindle keywords when you publish your book ? It’s not just about finding the most searched Amazon book keywords.
Writing Query Letters and Book Proposals
The published writers and professional book editors at Book Editing Associates can help you write or revise query letters for both fiction and nonfiction books. Don’t wing it with something so important. You’ll never have another chance to make a first impression. If you believe in your book, give it the very best shot by working with experts in the field.
A Self-Publishing Tale: Part 3. Production Details. Layout and Design.
Part 3: Having accomplished the initial tasks required to republish my novel, it was time to get going on book production.
Publishing Terminology: 10 Terms You Should Know
When it is time to seek publication for your book manuscript, even if you are self-publishing, you will need to explain what your book is about. You will need condensed descriptions for your pitch or your submission packet. Out in the wide world, some of these terms...
How to Make Your Self-Published Book an Amazon Bestseller
Becoming a bestseller is almost every author’s dream. However, not every author is able to achieve it. Ever stop to wonder why? Let’s assume you have a book that’s well-written, properly edited, and correctly formatted. But something is still holding your work back....
KDP Formatting – How To Format a Book for Amazon
For Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover
Get your KDP formatting right. Did you know that your manuscript needs to be in one of Amazon’s very own publishing formats?
A Self-Publishing Tale: Part 2. Cost, Categories, Keywords.
With my cover image selected and sent off to the designer, I turned my attention to another key decision: which self-publishing vehicle to use?