How Alien Should Your Aliens Be?
“Now my own suspicion is, the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.” – J.B.S. Haldane, British biologist. One of the greatest advantages of science fiction is that it’s the literature of ideas-that it’s not limited in ways that other types of fiction can be, especially those grounded in […]
Show Kids, Don’t Tell Them
One of the most important tenets of good writing you’ll ever employ is the “Show, don’t tell” rule. Basically put, writing has more power, creates more interest, and better engages readers when you let them draw their own conclusions. Showing allows the reader to experience the story through what they observe including action, dialogue, and […]
Activate Your Prose – How to Write More Engaging Stories
Avoid Passive Sentences for More Engaging Stories If you’re a serious novelist, then you’ve likely heard the maxim, “Write active sentences and avoid the passive.” It’s a popular recommendation from editors for one simple reason: It’s true. Let’s take a look at a few examples of passive sentences: The dolphins were watched by the kids […]
Make Professional Editing Work For You
“He left the theatre, contemplating his own intensity.” line in a recent manuscript Last week I edited a sample chapter from a dystopian chick-lit manuscript. The author thought my advice was spot on and my open time slot fit her deadline. I quoted her 2.5 cents per word for a developmental edit of her […]
Q&A With Author And Editor Stacey Donovan
Stacey Donovan’s fearlessness and introspection in her YA novel Dive beautifully demonstrates the power of telling the untold story inside of you. In this Q&A with Stacey, she shares invaluable advice she’s gained throughout her decades-long career-how not to agonize over the small stuff, how to write objectively, and what she’s looking for in a strong […]
5 Reasons Queries Are Rejected
What nobody tells you as an artist is that every project starts at the beginning. Not just the blank page, the empty stage, but that you have to re-establish your credentials and your quality every time. You can coast on reputation a little, but it doesn't last long...
Fiction 101: Character: Song And Dance
Agents love character-driven novels. That's because readers love them. Nothing anchors a book more than a well-developed character who we feel attached to, who we can identify or sympathize with, and who can be our guide in the world of the book that the author is...
Who is Qualified to Edit your Manuscript?
I believe in beta readers. Anyone can be a beta reader (also called a first reader), from your mom to your best friend to your coworker to your favorite librarian. A beta reader is anyone who reads your work and tells you what they think. Their feedback can be...
How To Plot a Novel
Writing a novel is a skill that is honed over time, and even the pros don’t always get it on the first try.
Descriptive Detail In Novel Writing
How much is enough? How much is too much? In my work with fiction writers, I've encountered those who underdescribe and those who overdescribe. More typically, though, it's quality not quantity that's the biggest problem. There are two primary purposes for...
How to Get Over Writer’s Block
Writer’s block is a common experience where you feel like you can’t write. I see it as a symptom rather than a problem. Here’s some advice for getting past it. Remember that the world is not set up to support your writing. You have professional and personal commitments that can get in the way of […]
Tips For Titling Your Novel
If you’re lucky, the perfect title for your novel sprang into your head without effort. But most of the time, it’s a painstaking process to come up with a good title, especially one that is catchy, humorous or intriguing and has not been used by many other authors before.
“Said is Dead” or so they said
Find yourself writing the word “said” all the time? Is this a problem? Is “said” really dead?
Five Reasons Why You Should Not Outline Your Novel, Short Story or Non-Fiction Manuscript
As I noted in my previous post—which laid out five arguments for why you should outline your novel, short story or non-fiction project—I’m a big fan of outlining for the same reason I enjoy planning anything in life. I like to have a clear sense of where I’m going before I embark on the journey. […]