Matthew Gibson

Matthew Gibson has been a writer, editor, and researcher for much of his professional life, operating at a high level of discernment while skilled at finding the most essential message in any piece of writing.

From developmental/line editing and manuscript evaluations to ghostwriting and book proposals, his versatile skills are applicable to nearly any project. He’s particularly experienced helping first-time authors with subject matter expertise (e.g., scientists, consultants, therapists, teachers) find their voice and shape their ideas and story for a wider audience.

Matthew specializes in the following categories:

• Self-help / Personal Development
• Psychology
• Spirituality / Consciousness
• “New science / New thought”
• Nature/Environment
• Alternative/Complementary Medicine
• Futures Studies
• Business/Leadership

He has run two print magazines with extensive book review sections; co-founded a book imprint that published a New York Times bestseller; is a long-time reviewer for the nationally recognized Nautilus Book Awards; and is the author of three books with established publishers. His experience on all sides of the publishing equation gives him a unique perspective on the needs and aspirations of both first-time and experienced authors.

20+ Years of Editing Experience

Developmental, Substantive, Line, Ghostwriting, Proposals

Self-help, Psychology, Alternative Medicine, Spirituality, Consciousness, Nature, Business

“Your words are powerful; they deserve to be handled with care, clarity, precision, and intention.”

Books I Have Edited or Ghostwritten:

Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness, and Save the Planet (Anthology / Earth Aware Editions, 2019)

Cleanse & Purify Thyself, 4th ed. by Richard Anderson (Christobe Press, 2019)

Courage in the Face of Cruelty: My 28-Year Journey through the California Prison System by James Alexander (Lonely Monk Press, 2019)

Managing Elder Care from Afar: A Practical Guide for Busy People by Diane Dagefoerde (Orounda Media Group, 2018)

My Daily Rules to Live By: How to Become a Better Person by Sol Weingarten, MD (Dual Reality Press, 2016)

Sudden Awakening by Eli Jaxon-Bear (New Morning Books, 2013)

The Golden Flame: The Heart and Soul of Remarkable Leadership by Dr. Keith Merron (Avista Press, 2010)

Power, Passion, and Purpose by Ann Nichols Roulac (Green Island Publishing, 2006)

Books I Have Authored:

Take this Job and Love It: How to Find Fulfillment in any Job You Do (Rodale / St. Martin’s Press/Macmillan, 1998)

Communication Miracles at Work (Conari Press, 2002)

The Workplace Revolution: Restoring Trust in Business and Bringing Meaning to Our Work (Conari Press/Red Wheel Weiser, 2005)

“…Matthew is amazing. He was patient, thorough and kept my voice — while strengthening my work and skill as a writer. If I ever write another book, he will be my first (and possibly only) consideration. ”

—Char Aukland


“I had a very positive experience with the network putting me in contact with Matthew. Once I was working with Matthew, he was very thorough, insightful, and professional. He even generously
made himself available after his services were rendered for any follow up questions and discussions. Overall, Matthew has been an extremely valuable asset to my book.”

—Chase Baldwin

“Matthew was hired to shape hundreds of pages of original content from multiple voices and develop-write new material for a coffee-table book on ecology, nutrition, and leading-edge science. This was a challenging job, not only in summarizing the work of over 30 contributors, but especially in personal dealings with the many experts who contributed to the book. Matthew delivered exceptional content, met all deadlines, and we would happily work with him again.”

—Phillip Jones
Associate Publisher, Mandala Earth

“I really liked working with Matthew. His suggestions have been right 95% of the time, and often his choice of words or terms weren’t something I would have thought of. As a first-time author, he made the editing process much easier than I feared it might have been and I really appreciate him for that! “

—Tom Burns, Why Doctors Don’t Get Rich (forthcoming)

“While developing the new edition of our bestselling health book, Matthew carefully fine-tuned the original text, added and polished valuable new material, and maintained the integrity of the author’s voice. The ease with which he tracked down and translated new studies made the project that much easier to complete.”

—Richard Anderson, Cleanse & Purify Thyself, 4th ed., Christobe Publishing

“As a first-time author, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect working with a professional editor. Thankfully I found Matthew. Over a two-week period, we worked collaboratively to edit a 130-page manuscript. Each day Matthew would send me a few edited chapters with questions and suggestions embedded in the text. I would review his edits, re-work the text, and send it back. He would take one last review and then move on to the next chapter. Matthew wasn’t shy in pruning unnecessary text and pointing out where things were unclear or redundant. He also did a great job maintaining my ‘voice.’ I am proud of what we accomplished together and recommend him without reservation.”.

—Diane Dagefoerde, Managing Elder Care from Afar: A Practical Guide for Busy People

Add this to Matthew Gibson’s testimonials:
Fantastic work and great quality of service. I am definitely impressed.

—Arash Arabi

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